About Us
We are a Community Interest Company specifically structured and organised to ensure that we provide the right support for people with mental health problems, whilst delivering cost-effective services for our funders.
Everything that we do starts and ends with the people we are seeking to help. This means that at every step of the way we focus on the individual and their needs, ensuring that only prescribed and evidence based practices are implemented. This means that those who commission our services get interventions of the highest quality along with a cost effective delivery of the specified service.
We support individuals who are experiencing Long Term Conditions, including diabetes and COPD and those who have been bereaved by suicide.
Eis L’Daber – The Jewish Community Project
We are working closely with the Jewish community and we are pleased our Eis L’Daber project is doing well.
The aim of the project is to improve access to Psychological therapies to the Orthodox Jewish Community by providing culturally sensitive services staffed by members of the Community as well as those from outside the community, offering choice of therapist, venue and referral pathway. The project operates self referral and referrals via GP or third sector voluntary organisations.
The project uses three strands to achieve its aims:
- Group work e.g. Self development courses
- One to one therapy
- Liaison with religious leaders, third sector organisations within the community providing support for volunteers/befriending organisations e.g. post natal support groups.
The project has been cited as an example of good practice by Salford City Council.
Polish Speakers
Approximately one million Polish people have moved to the UK in the last decade. Research suggests that approximately 60% of Polish people who came to England after 2004 suffer from low mood and at least 40% suffer stress, which if long-term might develop into serious mental health disorders.
In order to create a service that meets the needs of the 3500 members of the Polish community in Salford, we have posted online a survey enquiring about people’s preferences, needs and expectations. The results suggested that the Polish people living in Salford present with a range of difficulties, such as financial pressures, underemployment, relationship difficulties or discrimination. In addition, they reported various symptoms associated with increased stress, low mood and anxiety.
There was a clear need to develop more culturally sensitive and accessible service for the Polish community as people who speak Polish as their native language very often express their preference for services that are delivered in Polish.
Our services for the Polish community are free of charge if they are registered with a GP in Salford and would like to receive support in Polish.