Talking Therapies
To arrange an appointment, you can speak to your GP or another health organisation (i.e. Health Visitor, Living Well, Wellbeing Matters) who can discuss your needs and make a referral to our service. Discussing with your GP which service providing support for your mental health is best suited to your current circumstances will help you get the support you need most effectively.
If you don’t have a referral but think what we offer is right for you (check our offer here), you can call us directly on 0161 983 0900 to book an appointment. You will be offered an initial consultation, during which a practitioner will explore with you the treatment plan best suited to your needs.
When calling us it would be really handy to have your NHS number ready, if you don’t have it you can click this link to easily obtain it:
Bereavement Services
If you are bereaved and need support please call Greater Manchester Bereavement Services who can coordinate access to our service or another if more suitable on 0161 983 0902.